Friday, October 11, 2013

I'm not always good.


Today a woman in a giant, white SUV cut me off in the Costco parking lot, cussed my mother and me out, and stole our parking spot. Instead of sucking it up to find another spot and just going grocery shopping, I waited until she went in the store and wrote out a passive aggressive note to put under her windshield wiper. 

I had finished my shopping and who else should be standing in front of me in the checkout line but that woman who had made my blood boil. I didn't say a thing. I glared like a jealous high schooler. She saw me and kept her head down until she was out of the store. I felt satisfied that I had made my point [whatever it was] and had made her ashamed of herself. 

I'm having some strong regret right now. 

I shouldn't have written that note. I should have offered to unload her things from the cart to the conveyor belt when she struggled with her milk cartons. I should have mustered up a smile. I should have just been a grown up. But my vindictive urges got the better of me and I was a full blown bitch.

What if she had just gotten out of a doctor's appointment where she found out she had terminal cancer and would die in three months? What if she was at the store to buy food for her mother's funeral? What if her husband had just confessed to an affair and demanded a divorce as she was pulling in to pick up snacks for her seventeen grandkids? What if I had apologized for yelling back at her? Would that have been the only reprieve in her miserable day and I blew it?

I mean, she could have just been rude and not struggling with anything but I should know better by now than to be so passive aggressive and callous.

I'm sorry, Stranger, for my asinine behavior and impatient words. I hope your day gets better or someone gives you chocolate at least. I promise to try a little harder next time.

Monday, February 11, 2013

If I ever write a Kid's Book ...

The Lavender Family Tree

Written by Jennifer Durrant
As told by Linus Alexander VonTube
-- A Lavender Top Tube

“Alright, class! It’s time to start another day! Please take your seats and let’s begin.” Miss Sunshine was a kind teacher, all the yellow tops were. Her favorite subject was history, but today she wanted to help her students understand a little bit about their own history.

As she passed out a stack of papers she explained the assignment, “As some of you may know, in only a few years you will have graduated and it will be time for you to select an occupation. I hope this will help you choose a career path. You are to create a family tree.” Ignoring the wave of moans sweeping over her class, she continued, “I know, this is not what you had planned for your weekend, but I am sure you will do a wonderful job!”

“What are you going to do for yours, Linus?” asked Bobby. These two had been best friends since before they knew how to say their own additives. Even though Bobby was a blue top tube, they didn’t let the color of their tops come between their friendship.

“I think I’ll just wing it. It’s not a big deal.” He replied.

“What? That’s so unlike you! I thought you’d have eight different ideas by now! You’re the smartest kid I know!” Bobby was stunned!

“I know, but I’m just not really into finding out about my family. I’ll wait til the last minute.”

Later that night while struggling with his math, Linus decided to postpone his fractions by drafting an email to send to his relatives. As he tracked down their locations, he began to wonder what he could possibly ask them. All lavender top tubes had the same additive to prevent clotting, so he already knew they would have EDTA. How many times they should be inverted? No, that would be the same, too - - 5 to 8 inversions. He could ask them where they retire!! No, most lavender tops go to Hematology.

Becoming increasingly frustrated, he decided to just ask them about their jobs. He could make up more dramatic answers later.
“Hello, all. My name is Linus and I’m a student at The Phlebotomy School for Gifted Tubes. My class has been assigned the project of creating a family tree. If you are willing to help me complete my project, please respond with a description of your occupation and a few highlights of your position.

Thank you,
Linus Alexander VonTube”
With a tap of the keys, he sent away his request and crawled under his covers.

The next few days of school were a blur. So many students completed their projects overnight! Cindy, the cute red top, had an uncle in the CIA who could spot a lie faster than a snapping glove. He even came in and taught the class a few tricks! Donovan, the grey top tube, practically grew up around policemen. His parents ran the EOTH lab at the local police department so they were able to tell when alcohol was in someone’s bloodstream. Everyone else had such cool family history that it was causing Linus to panic.

Finally, Friday came and Linus ran all the way home to check his email for any responses. He was surprised to see that everyone had written back!
“Dear Linus,

My name is Sergeant Larry VonTube and I am a Drill Sergeant. I can not reveal my location as it may jeopardize my mission, but I can tell you exactly what it is that I do. 
I yell.
I am in charge of keeping track of hundreds of soldiers so I need to make sure they understand their orders. I can tell you every strategy we have ever used against the enemy. We can take down a pollen allergy within 20 minutes and still have time to do 80 pushups before that supper bell rings.

I personally oversee five different types of soldiers. Now, I’ll tell you about my men, but I’ll use code so you can sound more impressive to your classmates.

You’ve got your basic Marines, we call ‘em Neutrophils ‘cause they neutralized the enemy. They swoop in and devour our opponent faster than you can drop your jaw.

Then we have our Army, we call them Monocytes. They take charge if the Marines just can’t polish our adversary off yet.

Our CIA and Airforce are my pride and joy. My Lymphocytes are the smartest bunch there is. They can identify any enemy and create any weapons to eliminate any target.

But our special forces are really something else. We call ‘em Basophils and Eosinophils and they sure aren’t much to look at with their prescription eye wear and - - uh - - delicate people skills, but they can make any chemical weapon you could possibly imagine. We only save ‘em for special occasions, primarily during springtime, but they sure work hard.

God Bless Blood,
Sergeant Larry VonTube”
Linus clicked on another email.
“Hello, Linus! I’m Loraine VonTube and I am a School Counselor just a few towns away from you! My co-workers call my students ‘ridiculous retics’ and - - call me crazy but - - I love my job! I get so many young red blood cells coming into my office telling me that they just want to drop out and it’s my job to encourage them to finish school first.

Hoping you too finish school,
Loraine Kathryn VonTube”

Linus noticed the next email had an odd attachment. He opened it to find a photo of Big Ben and the London Eye.
“Hello, young man. I am Sir Leopold Elijah Lexington Alexander VonTube the Third. I am considered rather elite in my region as it is my sole duty to monitor the fall of certain, shall we say, cells. The locals have a drab little name for my line of work but I find the decline of others to be most fascinating. I don’t believe ‘SED rate’ sums up my passions very well, but it will suffice for the time being.

Sir Leopold Elijah Lexington Alexander VonTube the Third”
As Linus read through the emails, he discovered that his family members were involved in incredible lines of work! Lucinda was a Cruise Director with Whole Blood Cruise Lines and they took red blood cells all over the world! She had to know how many there were and where they were going and what they were doing, which sounded stressful to Linus but Lucinda seemed to love her job!

Then there was Liam, a local firefighter. He loved responding to calls for platelets to plug a wound. The rush was exhilarating! He was so thorough, that he would even have time to collect a few phone numbers from the ladies while the rest of the men finished up. Linus didn’t really understand what that meant, but he saved the email and continued reading.

Linus opened yet another email.
“My name is Lisa VonTube and I am an accountant for the IRS. Most people don’t enjoy hearing from me, but I am devoted to my profession! I am the Head Director for our CBC Department. I am in charge of delegating certain responsibilities under this umbrella title. We have to confirm the present population of all cells. We are only responsible for gathering this information and passing it on to our supervisors. I sure am glad I’m good with numbers!”
Linus had saved all of these letters and pictures to his computer and just when he was going to close his web browser, a new email was delivered. He opened it.
“From the Desk of the President,
Dear Mr. VonTube,
Thank you for being such a diligent student! When my secretary informed me of your request, I set aside time to respond with as much information as you need. As you may have gathered from my letterhead, I am the President. My jobs vary, but I am able to perform with responsibility because my employees are meticulous in their research. It is my duty as Commander in Chief to protect these lands and maintain open communication with our defense systems.

If we are under attack, I am responsible for deploying certain defenses to properly protect our territory. My technical title for this position is WBC Diff, but my real job is being the President.

Thank you for your work,
Luther VonTube, President”

Linus knew he had many jobs to choose from when the time came. He printed out the letters and photos, placed them in a folder, and when Monday came he read these things aloud to his class.

Linus received an A+ on his assignment which made him happy, but he was even more excited to one day meet all his family members.

The End

The Pulpit and Doctor Who

"Jesus came to live the life we should have lived and he died the death we should have died so we could have the life he intended for us."
-Tommy Allen, FEPC Pastor 

It struck me as strange to hear this. I had always known that Jesus died for our sins and gave us salvation once we accept him, but I never gave much thought to the concept of Jesus living the perfect life. We were stuck in this vicious cycle of knowing only God could save us and a man had to die with no hope of a hybrid on the horizon. 

The solution?? God was made human, lived the sinless life as a man, died as a sinner, and guaranteed life to all who follow Him. 

That sounds like a pretty simple formula. You're probably going to chuckle at least a little when I admit that I never thought about the notion that He had to live in order to die. I know, I'm just sooo logical and I never miss these things! But, wouldn't it have just been easier to pop into existence a few hours ahead of the crucifixion, implant memories into everyone's minds, toss a few choice evidence markers around, and then not die?? That sounds like an awesome beginning to a Sci-Fi show [referencing Doctor Who here] but it certainly leaves something to be desired, doesn't it?? 

I know that if I tried to live the 'perfect life' for even one day, everyone around me would get a small sample of Hell when I would inevitably fail. I know I can't be sinless. None of us could! Abraham, Moses, David and anyone you could ever think of, even your heroes, all failed at it, too. Until a man [who was also God] did it for us and gave us the credit. It's like going to school and getting the best grades but when applying for jobs you put someone else's name on your resume and offering to pay their loans in addition to yours. Doesn't really make much sense ...

I think I tend to forget the severity of His commitment and then a comment like this comes along, I'm floored again for a few days.

"Just today, nobody dies!"
- Christopher Eccleston, 9th Doctor 

^^ This ^^ is how my nerd-self understands what God is wanting for us; not to be taken from Him -- not to 'die'.

Do you know why Doctor Who is such an appealing show to me?? I'll give you a hint: It's not just about the stunning graphics. On some level, it's an amazing, endless fairy tale for adults. Seriously, our version of Peter Pan is a Time Lord! Instead of pixie dust we have the TARDIS. Instead of Hook, we have The Master or whichever antagonist is in whatever episode you happen to be watching. Wendy?? She's your companion of choice! London?? Still in almost every episode. Come on, are there no other places to attack Earth from outer space?? You travel light years to go to the same city five hundred times -- Get it together, aliens; you know what maps look like ...

I could go on [and I just might sometime in another post] but I digress to return to telling you what captured me about this BBC beauty. This man chooses to come and save the day over and over and over and over and usually without anyone knowing it. But he doesn't do it perfectly otherwise we could never relate to him. No, he makes mistakes like us, but he has power we can't begin to fathom. In this instance, the Time Lords are kind of like the modern "God: For Dummies" with a human twist in so we can grasp that concept with a little bit more ease. 

I'll leave that idea there for if I go too far I'll be forced to bring in Greek mythology to balance out the mix and explain things and then this whole post will go nowhere.

This is a just a small glimpse inside my mind. The musings of a nerd and bibliophile with a passion for tea and rain. Someday someone will read this and some part of it will make some sort of sense. Until then, I'll write some more, wear out my bible, teach myself to knit, and binge on books. 

And do some Doctor Who stuff, too. 
