Today a woman in a giant, white SUV cut me off in the Costco parking lot, cussed my mother and me out, and stole our parking spot. Instead of sucking it up to find another spot and just going grocery shopping, I waited until she went in the store and wrote out a passive aggressive note to put under her windshield wiper.
I had finished my shopping and who else should be standing in front of me in the checkout line but that woman who had made my blood boil. I didn't say a thing. I glared like a jealous high schooler. She saw me and kept her head down until she was out of the store. I felt satisfied that I had made my point [whatever it was] and had made her ashamed of herself.
I'm having some strong regret right now.
I shouldn't have written that note. I should have offered to unload her things from the cart to the conveyor belt when she struggled with her milk cartons. I should have mustered up a smile. I should have just been a grown up. But my vindictive urges got the better of me and I was a full blown bitch.
What if she had just gotten out of a doctor's appointment where she found out she had terminal cancer and would die in three months? What if she was at the store to buy food for her mother's funeral? What if her husband had just confessed to an affair and demanded a divorce as she was pulling in to pick up snacks for her seventeen grandkids? What if I had apologized for yelling back at her? Would that have been the only reprieve in her miserable day and I blew it?
I mean, she could have just been rude and not struggling with anything but I should know better by now than to be so passive aggressive and callous.
I'm sorry, Stranger, for my asinine behavior and impatient words. I hope your day gets better or someone gives you chocolate at least. I promise to try a little harder next time.
Good reminder. Thank you. <3