Friday, October 1, 2010

Goodbyes and Future Plans

Why is it suddenly so hard to say goodbye??

When we all spread out from the camp I was pretty well held together and didn’t cry very much. But when we have a mini reunion down in Pullman, I sob like a toddler in the midst of a huge temper tantrum! 

I miss it so much! Just talking about what we all learned and bringing up inside jokes just showed me that I ache to have that strong community again. ­I realize that it's totally ridiculous to be longing for it when I have so much ahead of me for this school year. I've already forgotten what it was like to tell just anyone a funny story about your day, cry with them about spilling milk [a.k.a = just about anything] and pray with them about anything!

LTSP’10 will always be in the top 4 of my favorite summers ever. 

Here’s why:
A - I grew in such strong relationships with so many people! It was like “Instant Best Friend: Just Add Water!” The people that went on projects before me were not joking about forming lasting relationships! I understand now why they say that they made life-long friends there.
B - I became much more confident in going sharing and completing follow-ups. I know the intensity of what I have in Him and I know how to use the tools I have to build up baby Christians and then go out to make more!
C - I learned how to listen to Him and trust Him. Both of these were/are very hard lessons to grasp, but I’m increasingly thankful that He is patient and loving. He knows I’m just a stupid human girl that’s going to screw up in trying to follow through with whatever He has for me. 

I find myself forgetting all that needs to be done this year and everyone we want to reach when I keep looking back in longing. It’s hard not to want it all back. 

It’s unreasonable to wish that LTSP’10 would never end and that you could just carry everyone around in your pocket with you all the time, but there’s still some fraction of my heart that wants nothing else. 

So please pray for us. 

Pray that we can all bring our passions and lessons from LTSP’10 onto our campuses.
Pray that we will continue to bring each other up with encouragement and challenging each other’s walks.
Pray that we will remember LTSP’10 with admiration.
Pray that we will push forward to show others that they may have the same growth we did.
Pray that we receive His protection and direction as we step onto the front lines of this spiritual war zone. The enemy will do everything to try to convince us that we’re not making a difference, turn us on each other and even turn our bodies on us.
Praise Him that we were able to come have our paths altered so dramatically! 

I will always miss the summer of 2010 … 

And I will always be thankful to have had this summer as a firm foundation for the rest of my life.

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