Wednesday, April 4, 2012


If you happened to be on Facebook on Friday the 31st of March, you may have seen a rather exuberant post made by yours truly regarding a successful interview and acceptance to PIMA Medical Institute to pursue a certification in Phlebotomy. 

I'm so excited to actually have a plan of action and a passion to pursue this! I know I'll be teased for being a vampire or have to endure long stories of other people's terrible blood draws, but I'm just too happy to care. 

It's a quarter long program with an externship included and I'll be starting classes on June 4th.

This is where I'll be studying: 

This is how I'll get to class: 

This is the definition of what I will be doing: 

If you ask me what I'm doing with my life, this is it!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo yes, I have to tell you the story of my most terrible blood draw ever!!! =D I'm so happy with you!
